Fighting your corner in:
Know where you stand. Compare your options. Choose Wisely.
We're empowering the UK to choose wisely when it comes to money.
So smooth
Very simple application with no hassle and totally stress free and all done in super quick time.
Mark, 06 July 2022
Choose Wisely allows you compare suitable financial products, regardless of your situation. We don't use any stuffy financial jargon, we are fully authorised by the FCA and we don't charge a penny. So know where you stand, compare your options and Choose Wisely.
Choose Wisely is completely free for customers to use. We make our money by receiving a commission from lenders or other introducers/brokers if a customer enters into a financial agreement following an introduction through this website.
We've been helping UK consumers Choose Wisely since 2013.
Choose Wisely is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, firm reference number 730574 and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office number Z3106681